A great front door wreath is the perfect finishing touch on the home. It provides a welcoming ambiance and adds a beautiful dose of curb appeal. With so many beautiful handmade wreaths to choose from every season, it can be difficult to choose which one is best for you! A good place to start is by figuring out which size is the right fit for your space.

When deciding, it’s important to know the size of your space so you can select something that’s just the right size for you and avoid something too small or big. Measure the width of your closed door using a tape measure to determine its width.
24-26” Wreath is Usually Ideal For a Standard Sized Door
A door wreath looks best hung at eye level with a little space on each size. Standard doors are 36 inches wide, making a 24-26 inch wreath the right size for a standard look. This is what a 26-inch wreath looks like on a standard 36-inch door.

30”+ Wreath for a Bold & Festive Look or Oversized Doors
Sometimes, bigger is better! Larger wreaths are more festive and make a bigger statement. Make sure there are at least a few inches on each side of your wreath so your door can be easily opened and closed. If your front entry isn’t used often, don’t be afraid to choose an extra large-sized wreath like 36 inches. If your door is oversized, get a proportionally larger wreath to fill the extra space. This is what a 30-inch wreath looks like on a standard 36-inch door.

20-22” Wreaths for Double Doors, Apartments & Smaller Doors
For smaller doors, a wreath should be proportionally smaller. And the solution for double doors is simple–two wreaths! A smaller wreath will give a more understated and simple look which is ideal for some people. This is what a 22-inch wreath looks like on a standard 36-inch door.

Storm Doors
If you want a wreath to fit behind your storm door, it is important to select a style that is only a couple of inches deep to make sure your door can close without crushing the wreath. We put “storm door” in the title of these designs to make shopping easier. Also consider hanging a wreath on the outside of your storm door using one of our Clear Self Adhesive Wreath Hangers
Searching by Size
Utilize our easy-to-use search tools to make shopping a breeze when looking for a particular-sized wreath. On the left side of each wreath page, select the size or sizes you are interested in and check the boxes to filter your search results and only see wreaths that are the right size for you.
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